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Help fund the future of Washington Wine.

Did you know that many WSU Viticulture and Enology students balance a 20-hour work week and the responsibility of caring for their families alongside their academic studies?

Pursuing higher education can be expensive and something as small as a flat tire or a medical need can impact their ability to keep up with their academics. WSU's V&E student support fund aims to remove these obstacles and provide resources for unforeseen challenges, ensuring students can remain focused on their studies.

The goal is to raise $20,000. All donations are tax deductible. 

All donors will be acknowledged on the AWW website and those who donate more than $1,000 will receive a WSU V&E department lapel pin in the shape of a wine glass.

Thank you for your consideration and continued support of the Washington state wine industry!


Donation Levels


Covers most unexpected medical expenses


 Covers one month’s rent


Covers textbooks for a year


Covers a month’s worth of groceries

Any amount can add up to make a difference in a student’s life!
